Ruaha National Park

Ruaha National park is the second largest protected area located 130 km south of Serengeti national park, and west of Iringa and Selous game reserve in the southern part of Tanzania. The protected area was first established in 1910 as Saba game reserve. Later in 1946 the name was changed to Rungwa game reserve. The southern part of the reserve was then gazetted as Ruaha National park. The park covers an area of 20226 sq kms (7,809 sq mi) however previously it was 13000 sq Kms.

Ruaha national park

In 2008, Usangu game reserve was added to the park which led to an increase in the park’s size. The park is thus a part of the Rungwa-Kizigo-Muhesi ecosystem, which includes the Rungwa Game Reserve, the Kizigo and Muhesi Game Reserves, and the Mbomipa Wildlife Management Area. In 2005 Ruaha National park was considered a lion conservation Unit with the Usangu basin being one of the Important Bird areas (IBA) recognised by Birdlife International. The protected area was named after river Ruaha that flows through the south-eastern part of Ruaha national park. The river attracts a number of wildlife including the migratory birds.

Vegetation in Ruaha National park

The park is covered by different vegetation types for instance; riverine forests, Miombo woodlands and open savannah with acacia trees, kopjes, dry bush lands, rolling hills, flat plains, and swamps. Ruaha National park also hosts a number of rivers like River Jongomero, Great Ruaha River, Mwagusi and Mzombe which serve as lifeline of the park. The waterfalls along the Ruaha River serve as habitat for crocodiles, hippos and other aquatic wildlife.

During the dry season, the Ruaha River becomes nothing more than a few precious waterholes that predators take complete advantage of by laying silently waiting for the herds of antelopes that come to drink water. The riverine vegetation on the shores around the river helps provide enough cover for predators making it the best hunting ground in the park. However, the entire vegetation provides the best habitats and viewing grounds for different species of flora and fauna.

Wildlife in Ruaha National park

Ruaha National Park is known for hosting a high population of elephants in East Africa with 10000 of these creatures. However, the park has other mammals including those that are seen occasionally, rarely and common ones. These include; Lion, Cheetah, Wild Dog, Leopard, Hyena, jackals, bat-eared foxes, Elephant, Buffalo, White Rhino, Black Rhino, Giraffe, Wildebeest, Hippo, Zebra, lesser kudu, greater kudu, elands, and antelope. The protected area is home to rare species of antelopes like sable and roan antelopes. Ruaha National park is the only park in East Africa where both lesser and greater kudu can be found. The park hosts more than 570 bird species including the endemics, and migratory birds. Some of these birds include; Emerald-spotted wood dove, Tanzanian red-billed hornbill, Southern ground hornbill, Black-bellied bustard, crested barbet, ashy starling, Yellow-collared lovebird, Spur-winged goose, collared palm-thrush, Bateleur, Giant kingfisher among others. These can be spotted in savannah woodland dotted with acacias and baobabs.

Activities in Ruaha National park

  • Game drives

This is one of the most popular activities done in Ruaha National park and is typically conducted in open 4×4 vehicles so as to have the opportunity to observe the park’s diverse wildlife in their natural habitat. The park offers morning, afternoon and night game drives. The morning game drives offer opportunity to spot predators like lions, cheetahs, wild dogs, serval cats and other nocturnal animals. Afternoon drives are great for spotting herbivores as they graze. Some of these may include; impala, antelopes, kudus, zebras, elephants among others. Whereas the night game drives are conducted in different vegetation types in the park. During this time there are chances of seeing nocturnal wildlife, including elusive species like bush-babies.

  • Bird watching

Ruaha’s ecosystems, ranging from savannahs to wetlands, create ideal habitats for a wide variety of birds. Ruaha National park hosts over 570 bird species and some of them are known to be migratory birds from within and outside Africa. Among the birds that can be spotted in the park include; the endemic Ruaha red billed hornbill, black collared lovebirds, bateleurs, sunbirds, ashy starlings, fish eagles, kingfishers, ground hornbills and others. The best time to do bird watching in this park is between the months of November to April. During this season the park receives migratory birds from Europe and other parts of Africa and also there are high breeding rates of several bird species.

  • Guided nature walk

This is the best way of experiencing the nature of Ruaha national park. Take part in walking safari with the armed ranger and the local guides via well-established walking trails through the bush, shrubs, swamp and forest while sighting out different fauna and flora species. Nature walks are conducted in the maximum group of six people. The activity also offers an opportunity to learn about the area’s wildlife and tour the local village. Engage with Maasai tribes and learn about their music, traditions, and sustainable practices.

  • River cruise

The activity is done along the great Rauha river. River cruises offer the opportunity to see hippos basking in the sun and crocodiles. Several wildlife species are seen along the shores of the river to quench their thirst in dry season

How to access the park

One can get to RuahaNational Park either by road or air depending on the traveler’s choice.
By road, most trips to Ruaha National park start from Dar-es-Salaam at Julius Nyerere airport. The journey takes between 10 to 12 hours. However those visiting Ruaha can combine it with Mikumi national park since the journey between these two parks takes 5 hours. By air, you can use chartered or scheduled flights like; auric link or coastal aviation. These flights set off from Dar es Salaam, Arusha, Kigoma and Dodoma to Msembe airstrip and Jongomero airstrip in Ruaha national park Iringa region.

Accommodation in Ruaha national park

The park has got a number of accommodation facilities ranging from budget to mid range and luxury. Some of these facilities include; Kigelia camp, Jongomero camp, Ruaha River Lodge, Mwagusi safari camp, Tandala tented camp, Sunset mountain lodge, Ruaha hilltop lodge, Jabali Ridge among others.

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