Gorilla trekking for the elderly

Gorilla trekking for older persons

Traveling to see mountain gorillas is a priority for most travelers to East and Central Africa. The elderly and seniors are not an exception from those who yearn to meet the gentle giants face to face in their native habitats. Nowadays, the magical gorilla encounter has become a dream for elderly who yearn to trek gorillas before they die. Presently, most seniors are using tire retirement money to fund their gorilla trekking trips an indication that gorilla trekking tour is indeed a dream for most if not travelers despite the age. We have arranged several gorilla tips where children want to surprise their parents and seniors with gorilla trekking as a retirement package. Since the time of Dian Fossey, gorilla trekking has been a top bucket list for most travelers to East and Central Africa. The young, older, solo, family and group of friends all yearn to meet and spend quality time with the endangered mountain gorillas in their natural habitats. Gorilla Trek Africa offers the best gorilla safaris for senior and elderly travels with no difficulty. Whether it’s in Uganda, Rwanda or the Democratic Republic of Congo, we offer you the best seniors gorilla trekking adventures at affordable rates. Yes, hiking to see mountain gorillas in the jungles of Bwindi impenetrable forest, Mgahinga Gorilla, Volcanoes, and Virungas national park is strenuous but with Gorilla TREK AFRICA, you are assured of success despite the old age.

Who are the senior travelers?

We consider all our clients above 60 years old to be seniors. We, therefore, arrange special gorilla trips for all people above that age. The package is exceptional starting from the guide we allocate you, the type vehicles you use, and the flow of the itinerary. It’s normally relaxed to give our seniors time to rest and keep strong.

How to book a gorilla safari for the elderly

Are you the elder wanting to book a gorilla safari? Simply contact Gorilla Trek Africa, the specialist in arranging memorable gorilla trips to Uganda, Rwanda, and Congo. GTA offers suitable gorilla safari packages to the seniors, solo, group and family tours at affordable rates. Just contact us tell us what you want and how you would want it to be and we shall tailor-make a perfect itinerary for you.

Gorilla trekking tips for the elderly

Senior gorilla trekkers are advised to disclose their actual age and hiking /physical abilities to the tour operator arranging their gorilla tour. The following are gorilla trekking trips for the elderly.

Choose a short gorilla trek

Senior travelers are advised to choose a short trek gorilla family. Ensure you get a gorilla family that lives in low altitude areas and easy to trek. Some gorillas are easy while others are hard to trek depending on their locations. Gorilla family allocation is done during the pre gorilla trekking briefing and its based on age, physical fitness, and hiking abilities. Senior travelers are reminded to disclose their elderly challenges with hiking to the park ranges. This helped you get a simple to trek family.

Hire sedan chairs

To avoid altitude sickness and failure to reach the gorillas, very elderly travelers are advised to hire sedan chairs. Here seniors are carried by a group of four porters into the jungle and back t a cost of $400. The money paid is surely worth the price. You will not step your feet down all through.

Get a walking stick & porters

You need a walking stick for support and easy hiking through the jungle. More so, hire a porter to carry your baggage. Interestingly, porters are hired at $15-$20 which is also an indirect way to support local people’s standards of living. Porters earn a living from pottering.

Do physical exercise

Prior to the trekking date, elderly travelers are encouraged to some physical exercises to ensure they are physically fit. Among the exercise recommended include jogging, setups, hiking and walking for long distances. This prepares them for gorilla trekking without any disappointment.

Carry enough drinking water ad energy-giving snacks

You need to keep strong and fresh throughout the gorilla trekking session. Elderly travelers are therefore advised to carry enough drinking water and energy-giving snacks to keep them energetic.

Conclusively, despite your elderly age, you can still visit and trek mountain gorillas with no difficulty. Contact Gorilla Trek Africa, book a gorilla safari and be part of this memorable adventure no difficulty.

Posted in Travel news.

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