Tree Climbing lions in Ishasha

Tree climbing lions in Queen Elizabeth National Park

You must have heard about tree climbing lions in Uganda. YES, the Pearl of Africa is home to rare tree climbing lions in the world. The rare species are spotted in the acacia and sycamore trees of ishasha sector south of Queen Elizabeth National Park. It’s undeniable that a Uganda safari without visiting tree climbing lions is surely incomplete. Tree climbing lions are a rarity in Africa only spotted in Queen Elizabeth National Park Uganda and Lake Manyara national park in Tanzania. Lions “kings of the jungle” are one of the must visit attraction in Uganda which attract a high number of travelers from all over the world. in addition to gorilla trekking, most travelers to Uganda often opt to visit lions in Queen Elizabeth which is roughly  4 hours drive through Kihihi-Kambuga road. A 5 Days Uganda gorilla and wildlife safari is an exceptional package to visit tree-climbing lions connecting to Bwindi forest for the lifetime mountain gorilla trekking experience. Tracking tree-climbing lions is an off beaten game experience in Uganda done on special occasions. The kings of the jungle spend most of their gazing in the sycamore fig and acacia trees and only move down to hunt.

Spotting lions which fully live up in the trees is a rarity. In most cases, lions live on ground except the young ones, which climb up and down trees playing. The existence of lions living fully up in the fig trees of ishasha sector is therefore a once in lifetime experience worth doing. Its undeniable that most travelers have un knowingly by passed the king of the jungle on their way to Bwindi forest. Those who have seen these lions before review it as a “magical encounter “ which no traveler should miss on his/her Uganda wildlife Tour.

Why lions climb up in the trees?
Do you wonder why lions in Ishasha climb trees unlike others? YES, its a rare act but done at some times especially in rain season. The secret behind lions climbing in ishasha is in the sycamore fig trees. Lions love sycamore trees for various reasons such as relaxed shade for resting and hiding. Also, lions hide up waiting for antelopes to pass down which they jump on for food. Male lions in Ishasha have black manes. Those who have been in ishasha sector confirm that ishasha sector is a best place to see lions and you cannot miss. The spot is the most visited in Queen Elizabeth national park.

What else can I do? In Queen Elizabeth NP
Besides tree climbing lions, Queen Elizabeth National Park has it all to meet, satisfy and even exceed your travel expectations. The list of the things to see and do in Queen Elizabeth national park is endless! The park is Uganda’s premier wildlife destination with a high concentration of wildlife also ranking as the second biggest park in Uganda after Murchison Falls national park. Among the top things to do in queen Elizabeth national park include

Game viewing
Being home to over 5000 hippos, 350 elephants, 12000 cape buffalos and countless antelopes, Uganda kobs, waterbucks and Topis, Queen Elizabeth National Park a best game-viewing destination. Morning and evening game drives in ishasha and kasenyi plains reward travelers with exceptional game viewing with no limit. A 3 Days Queen Elizabeth national park tour is an ideal package for you.

Boat cruising at Kazinga channel

Don’t miss boat cruising at the calm 40 kilometers long an 8 meters deep kazinga channel that connects Lakes Edward and George. Enjoy the fresh water breezes with clear views of the park, wildlife and the neighboring fishing villages.

Birding watching
Besides game, Kazinga channel is home to numerous bird species which include Saddle-billed stork, Shorebirds, Squacco heron, African jacana, black crake, open billed stork, Fish eagle, pink and white backed pelicans, water-tick knee, African fish eagle, Swamp fly catcher, papyrus Canary, Collard Pranticles, Malachite, Grey-headed kingfisher, Thin tailed nightjars, Long tailed Cormorants, African Skimmer, and papyrus canary among others. Kazinga channel is therefore one of the birding spots in Uganda.

Visit crater lakes

Visit any of the crater lakes in Queen Elizabeth National Park. Among these is Lake katwe popularly known for salt mining, lake Nyamunuka with healing waters, Lake Munyanyange, home for flamingoes and Lake Bunyampaka in kasenyi. Each lake is unique in its own way in terms of location, formation, features and facts. Other activities that can be done in Queen Elizabeth National Park include community visits, nature walks, camping and spot fishing among others.
In general, Queen Elizabeth National Park is a not miss on any Uganda Safari. Visit this premier park for tree climbing lions, game viewing, community visit and bird watching w which all reward you with a memorable wildlife experience.

Posted in Travel news.

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